GTJZ0808 Scissor Aerial Ua Haujlwm Platform
I. Cov khoom saib xyuas thiab nta
Tshiab aerial ua hauj lwm platform tsim los ntawm XCMG muaj qhov siab ua hauj lwm ntawm 10m, lub tsheb dav ntawm 0.81m, rated load ntawm 230kg, max.platform ntev ntawm 3.2m thiab max.gradeability ntawm 25%.Lub tsheb no nta cov qauv compact, kev ua tau zoo siab, ua tiav cov khoom siv kev nyab xeeb, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog tsim rau kev tsim kho.Ntxiv rau.Nws tsis muaj kev ua qias tuaj, nrog kev nqa / txo qis, tswj tau yooj yim thiab txij nkawm.Yog li ntawd, hom platforms no tau siv dav rau cov tsev khaws khoom, chaw tsim khoom, tshav dav hlau, thiab chaw tsheb ciav hlau, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog cov chaw ua haujlwm nqaim.
XCMG GTJZ0808 compact qauv tuaj yeem siv tau yooj yim hauv qhov chaw nqaim; nrog rau lub tshuab hluav taws xob tshiab, kev tsav tsheb yog du, tsis muaj emissions ntau tus phooj ywg ib puag ncig;kev lag luam-ua qhov tsis siv neeg pothole tiv thaiv qhov system, nyab xeeb thiab txhim khu kev qha;ntau extensible platform workspace.Shear tuaj yeem siv rau hauv kev tsim kho tsheb thiab kev saib xyuas cov tsev lag luam, warehouses, tshav dav hlau thiab lwm qhov chaw.
II.Taw qhia ntawm Cov Ntsiab Lus
1. Chassis
Main configurations: ob lub log steering, 4 × 2 tsav, pib nres system, nws pib pothole tiv thaiv system, traceless khoom roj hmab log tsheb, thiab phau ntawv tso tawm nres
(1) Kev tsav tsheb siab tshaj plaws ntawm 3.5 km / h.
(2) Qhov siab tshaj plaws gradeability ntawm 25%.
(3) Tus Tsov tus tw ntawm chassis yog nruab nrog lub qhov rau kev thauj mus los ntawm rab rawg.
(3) Nws pib qhov kev tiv thaiv qhov system-ua kom muaj kev nyab xeeb rau kev nqa platform
(4) Traceless khoom roj hmab log tsheb - siab payload, tsis tu ncua khiav thiab ib puag ncig tus phooj ywg
(5) 4 × 2 tsav tsheb;lub log tig kuj yog tsav lub log;peb tsav ceev zog;tso cai taug kev mus tas li;
(6) Nws pib nres qhov system-- lub tshuab nres thaum nws nres los yog nres ntawm txoj kab nqes;Dhau li ntawd, ib qho ntxiv tes nres rau thaum muaj xwm ceev;
2. Boom
(1) Ib leeg luffing lub tog raj kheej + plaub txheej ntawm txiab hom boom
(2) High-strength steel - boom lub teeb yuag thiab nyab xeeb;
(3) Ua kom muaj zog thiab nruj - xyuas kom lub boom yog txhim khu kev qha.
(4) Kev soj ntsuam thav duab - khaws cov kev soj ntsuam kom zoo
3. Ua haujlwm platform
(1) Lub platform loj tuaj yeem muaj qhov hnyav txog li 230kg thiab sub-platform mus txog 115kg.
(2) Ua haujlwm platform ntev × dav: 2.27 m × 0.81m;
(3) Sub-platform tuaj yeem ncua ib txoj kev los ntawm 0.9m;
(4) Platform rooj vag nws tus kheej xauv
(5) Platform tiv thaiv foldable
4. Hydraulic system
(1) Hydraulic ntsiab - hydraulic twj, lub ntsiab valve, hydraulic lub cev muaj zog thiab nres yog los ntawm domestic (los yog thoob ntiaj teb) nto moo manufacturers
(2) Lub tshuab hydraulic yog tsav nrog lub cev muaj zog-tsav iav twj tso kua mis, txhawm rau nce lossis txo lub platform thiab khiav thiab tswj lub platform.
(3) Lub tog raj kheej hoisting yog nruab nrog lub valve txo qis thaum muaj xwm txheej ceev - xyuas kom lub platform tuaj yeem txo qis rau kev thim rov qab ntawm qhov nrawm nrawm txawm tias muaj xwm txheej lossis hluav taws xob raug txiav tawm.
(4) Lub tog raj kheej nqa tau nruab nrog lub ntsuas phoo hydraulic kom ntseeg tau tias qhov kev ruaj ntseg ruaj khov ntawm kev ua haujlwm tom qab hydraulic hose tawg.
5. Hluav taws xob qhov system
(1) Lub tshuab hluav taws xob siv CAN tsheb npav tswj kev siv tshuab.Lub chassis yog nruab nrog cov maub los, lub platform yog haum nrog kev tswj tuav thiab kev sib txuas lus ntawm lub chassis thiab lub platform controller tau paub los ntawm CAN tsheb npav kom tswj tau qhov kev txiav txim ntawm lub tshuab. .
(2) Cov cuab yeej tswj kev faib ua feem ua rau txhua qhov kev ua haujlwm ruaj khov.
(3) Lub tshuab hluav taws xob tswj hwm txhua qhov kev ua, suav nrog kev tsav sab laug / sab xis, kev mus rau pem hauv ntej / rov qab, kev hloov pauv ntawm qhov siab thiab qis qis thiab nqa / txo qis ntawm kev ua haujlwm platform.
(4) Ntau txoj kev nyab xeeb thiab ceeb toom: tilting tiv thaiv;inter-locking ntawm tes;tsis siv neeg pothole tiv thaiv;nws pib qis-ceev tiv thaiv ntawm qhov siab siab;ntog nres rau peb vib nas this;hnyav-loaded ceeb toom system (yeem);them nyiaj tiv thaiv system;khawm xwm ceev;Action buzzer, zaus flasher, horn, timer thiab fault diagnosis system.
III.Configuration ntawm Main Elements
S/N | Qhov tseem ceeb | Ntau | Hom | Nco tseg |
1 | Tus tswj | 1 | Hirschmann/North Valley | |
2 | Main twj | 1 | Sant/Bucher | |
3 | Hydraulic lub cev muaj zog | 2 | Danfoss | |
4 | Hydraulic nres | 2 | Danfoss | |
5 | Lub zog | 1 | Bucher/GERI | |
6 | Derricking lub tog raj kheej | 1 | XCMG Hydraulic department / Dacheng / Shengbang / Diaojiang | |
7 | Lub tog raj kheej kheej kheej | 1 | ||
8 | Roj teeb | 4 | Trojan/Leoch | |
9 | Charger | 1 | GPD | |
10 | Limit hloov | 2 | Honeywell/CNTD | |
11 | Kev ntsuas hloov | 2 | Honeywell/CNTD | |
12 | Tsav tsav | 1 | Curtis | |
13 | Lub log | 4 | Exmile/Lub zog | |
14 | Lub kaum ntse ntse sensor | 1 | Honeywell | xaiv tau |
15 | Siab sensor | 1 | danfoss ua | xaiv tau |
IV.Table of Main Technical Parameters
Yam khoom | Chav tsev | Parameter | Kev kam rau siab | |
Dimension ntawm tshuab | Length (tsis muaj ntaiv) | mm | 2485 (2285) hnub | ± 0.5% |
Dav | mm | 810 | ||
Qhov siab (platform folded) | mm | 2345 (1965) xyoo | ||
Wheelbase | mm | Xyoo 1871 | ± 0.5% | |
Log khiav | mm | 683 ua | ± 0.5% | |
Yam tsawg kawg nkaus hauv av clearance (Pit protector ascending/descending) | mm | 100/20 | ± 5% | |
Dimension ntawm kev ua haujlwm platform | Ntev | mm | 2276 ib | ± 0.5% |
Dav | mm | 810 | ||
Qhov siab | mm | 1254 ib | ||
Extension ntev ntawm lub platform pab | mm | 900 | ||
Centroid txoj hauj lwm ntawm lub tshuab | Kab rov tav nrug mus rau pem hauv ntej ncej | mm | 927 ib | ± 0.5% |
Qhov siab ntawm centroid | mm | 475 ib | ||
Tag nrho loj ntawm lub tshuab | kg | 2170 ib | ± 3% | |
Max.qhov siab ntawm lub platform | m | 8 | ± 1% | |
Min.qhov siab ntawm lub platform | m | 1.2 | ± 1% | |
Qhov siab ua haujlwm siab tshaj plaws | m | 10 | ± 1% | |
Yam tsawg kawg nkaus tig vojvoog (lub log sab hauv / sab nraud) | m | 0/2.3 | ± 1% | |
Rated load ntawm kev ua haujlwm platform | kg | 230 | — | |
Payload tom qab ua haujlwm platform txuas ntxiv | kg | 115 | — | |
Lub sijhawm nqa ntawm kev ua haujlwm platform | s | 29-40 : kuv | — | |
Txo lub sijhawm ua haujlwm ntawm lub platform | s | 34-45 : kuv | — | |
Max.khiav ceev ntawm qhov chaw qis. | km/h | ≥3.5 | — | |
Max.taug kev ceev ntawm qhov siab | km/h | ≥0.8 | — | |
Qhov siab tshaj plaws gradeability | % | 25 | — | |
Tilt ceeb toom lub kaum sab xis (sab / pem hauv ntej thiab rov qab) | ° | 1.5/3 | ||
Lifting / khiav lub cev muaj zog | Qauv | — | — | — |
Rated zog | kW | 3.3 | — | |
Chaw tsim tshuaj paus | — | — | — | |
Roj teeb | Qauv | — | T105/DT106 | — |
Qhov hluav taws xob | v | 24 | — | |
Muaj peev xwm | Ah | 225 | — | |
Chaw tsim tshuaj paus | — | Trojan/Leoch | — | |
Cov qauv log tsheb | — | Traceless thiab khoom / 381 × 127 | — |
V. Dimensional Diagram of Tsheb hauv Khiav Xeev

Txuas: xaiv configurations
(1) Load ceeb toom system
(2) Lub teeb ua haujlwm ntawm lub platform
(3) Txuas rau cov yeeb nkab cua ntawm kev ua haujlwm platform
(4) Txuas nrog AC fais fab mov ntawm kev ua haujlwm platform